ESLN Academic Discount Program

Working through Overdrive and ESLN, academic libraries can now participate in a consortial, shared collection of e-books geared to informal reading and browsing.

Annual fees are for academic libraries are:

Less than 2000 FTE:  $1,600

  • 2001-4000 FTE: $2,400
  • 4001-7000 FTE: $3,600
  • 7001-11,000 FTE:  $5,600
  • 11,001-16,000 FTE: $6,800
  • More than 16,000 FTE: Not available

Fees are allocated 75% for content and 25% for the use of the Overdrive platform, which includes Kindle downloads.

This means that a library that pays $2,400 would have a $1,800 credit toward e-books for the shared collection, plus use of the Overdrive e-book platform and apps.

Any academic member of an ESLN library council already is eligible to join the consortial Overdrive account and inherit access to the current collection. All the materials on this site would available to all participating libraries, and all future acquisitions would be available to all participating libraries. All participating libraries will be encouraged to cooperate in building the collection, and shared collection development will be facilitated.

The current collection can be seen at https://nnyoverdrive.overdrive.comThis content will be available to all participating academic libraries. 

For more information, interested libraries should contact their local library council by August of each year.


Frequently Asked Questions

If a library joins, will it have access to all the materials bought by all the other libraries in the group, as well as all that NNYLN has now?


If a library quits, will the content they bought remain in the collection?


If a library quits, can they take their content with them?


Can we have one bill, or will each library be billed directly?

Each library will be billed directly

Can we have a quote for libraries with more than 20,000 FTE?

16,000 FTE is the ceiling for this project

Can we coordinate ordering to prevent duplicates?

We can develop a shared collection development process that addresses local interests and avoids duplication.

Does Overdrive permit simultaneous usage?

There are three different lending models to choose from for items purchased: 

  1. One Copy/One User titles can be checked out by one person at a time, and they never expire from your library collection;

  2. Metered Access titles can be checked out by one person at a time, and they expire from your library collection after a set time period or number of checkouts; 
  3. Simultaneous Use titles can be checked out by unlimited people simultaneously, and they expire from your library collection after a determined period (for example, after one year).