Empire State Library Network Mission: Advancing New York libraries and archives through innovative programs and meaningful collaboration.

Empire State Library Network (ESLN) is comprised of the nine Reference and Research Library Resources Councils – each a multi-type library system in New York State. ESLN’s unique structure provides entre for libraries and archives of all types and sizes into a statewide platform for shared services and collaborations. A Board of Trustees comprised of each Council’s Executive Director governs ESLN.  Each Director provides input to ESLN’s activities and brings to the table input from their members to create a statewide view of library services across regions and service areas.  Each individual Council contributes both staff time and a membership fee to ESLN to support initiatives that benefit all nine regions.  ESLN’s goals are to:

  • Improve library services in New York
  • Increase cooperation and resource sharing among libraries and library systems in New York
  • Support improved economic development, health care, and information technology through libraries in New York

Each individual Council provides a range of support services to its members that are comprised of academic, special, hospital, and public libraries and other library systems.  Services include continuing education, digitization services, access to electronic resources, services to the health care community, consulting, information technologies, and advocacy.

ESLN provides similar services to the entire state, such as continuing education and discounted electronic resources.  However, the primary strength and focus of ESLN is providing collectively what individual Councils or library systems cannot do on their own such as the statewide Empire Library Delivery service and Ask Us 24/7 the statewide virtual reference service.

ESLN Members are:

Capital District Library Council (CDLC)

Central New York Library Resources Council (CLRC)

Long Island Library Resources Council (LILRC)

Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO)

Northern New York Library Network (NNYLN)

Rochester Regional Library Council (RRLC)

South Central Regional Library Council (SCRLC)

Southeastern New York Library Resources Council (SENYLRC)

Western New York Library Resources Council (WNYLRC)

Empire State Library Network By-Laws

Adopted December 3, 2003
Revised July 14, 2015
Revised December 2, 2015

Article I. Name

The name of this educational corporation when established in 2003 was the NY 3Rs Association, Inc. On November 17, 2015, the name was officially changed to the Empire State Library Network.

Article II. Purpose

The purpose of this educational corporation shall be to improve library services in New York; to increase cooperation and resource sharing among libraries and library systems in New York; to support improved economic development, health care, and information technology through libraries in New York; to increase awareness of reference and research library resources systems; and to provide professional support for the effective operation of reference and research library resources systems in New York.

Article III. Membership

Eligibility: Each reference and research library resources system in New York State shall be eligible for membership.

Voting: Each executive director from a reference and research library resources system in good standing shall be the voting representative of its member system. A system will be a member in good standing if its membership is paid.

Membership Year: The membership year shall begin July 1 and end June 30.

Quorum: A majority of the voting members present at any membership meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Article IV: Meetings

Annual Meeting: The Corporation will hold an annual meeting.

Membership Meetings: There will be at least four membership meetings held annually. Meetings may be in-person, or may be conducted via conference call or other networked or telecommunication method.

Quorum: A majority of the voting members present at any membership meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Article V: Board of Trustees

All of the members of the organization shall comprise the Board of Trustees.

Term of office: All Board of Trustees members shall serve terms of two years and shall continue to serve until replaced.

Article VI: Officers

The officers of the organization shall be Chair, Vice-Chair/Chair-elect, Secretary, and Treasurer. All officers shall serve terms of two years and shall continue to serve until replaced.

Duties: The Chair shall prepare agendas for all meetings, preside at all meetings, appoint committees, and serve as official representative for the organization. The Vice-Chair/Chair-elect shall serve in the absence of the Chair and shall coordinate the organization’s education agenda.

The Secretary shall maintain correspondence for the organization, keep minutes of all meetings and distribute them no later than two weeks after each meeting. The Treasurer shall keep financial records, bill members for dues, deposit all funds in the account of the organization, and disburse funds as authorized by the Board of Trustees.

Elections: Elections of officers will occur during the organization’s annual meeting.

Article VII : Committees

Committees may be established to further the mission of the organization. Duties of such committees shall be determined at the time of their establishment. All committees shall report to the membership. All committees shall lapse twelve months after their creation unless renewed.

Article VIII: Finances

Fiscal Year: The fiscal year shall begin July 1 and end June 30.

Membership Fees: Membership fees shall be approved by a majority of the voting representatives present at a membership meeting.

Article IX: Parliamentary Authority

The rules contained in the most recent issue of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern the proceedings of this organization in all matters not covered by the organization’s bylaws or articles of incorporation.

Article X: Activities

No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall be the carrying on of propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation (except as otherwise provided by Internal Revenue Service code 501 [h]), or participation in, or intervening in (including the publication or distribution of statements), any political campaigning on behalf of any candidate for public office.

Article XI: Dissolution of the Organization

In order for this organization to conform with Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, the following procedures shall be followed in the event of the dissolution of the organization:

Upon dissolution of this organization, assets of the organization shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Service Code or corresponding section of any future tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, for a public purpose.

Article XII: Amendment of the Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of those members present at a regular membership meeting, after written notice to all members at least one week prior to that meeting.

Capital District Library Council

Executive Director: Kathleen Gundrum
800 Troy-Schenectady Road, Suite 204
Latham, NY 12110
Email: kgundrum@cdlc.org
Phone: (518) 438-2500


Central New York Library Resources Council

Executive Director: Ryan Perry
5710 Commons Park
East Syracuse NY 13057
Email: rperry@clrc.org
Phone: (315) 446-5446

Long Island Library Resources Council

Executive Director: Tim Spindler
627 N. Sunrise Service Rd.
Bellport, NY 11713-1540
Email: tspindler@lilrc.org
Phone: (631) 675-1570


Metropolitan New York Library Resources Council

Executive Director: Nate Hill
PO Box 2084
New York, NY 10108
Email: nhill@metro.org
Phone: (212) 228-2320

Northern New York Library Network

Executive Director: Meg Backus
6721 US Hwy 11
Potsdam, NY 13676
Email: meg@nnyln.org
Phone: (315) 265-1119

Rochester Regional Library Council

Executive Director: Laura Schiefer
3445 Winton Pl STE 204
Rochester, NY 14623
Email: lschiefer@rrlc.org
Phone: (585) 223-7570

South Central Regional Library Council

Executive Director: Mary-Carol Lindbloom
1300 Dryden Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850
Email: mclindbloom@scrlc.org
Phone: (607) 273-9106

Southeastern New York Library Resources Council

Executive Director: Tessa Killian
21 South Elting Corners Road
Highland, NY 12528-2805
Email: killian@senylrc.org
Phone: (845)883-9065

Western New York Library Resources Council

Executive Director: Sheryl Knab
180 Lawrence Bell Drive, Suite 104
Amherst, NY 14221
Email: sknab@wnylrc.org
Phone: (716) 633-0705