
ESLN provides a variety of services to member libraries of all types across the state

AskUs 24/7
askus247Ask Us 24/7 is an Internet-based virtual text chat service connecting information seekers with librarians, available 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.

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Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative

Empire Archival Discovery Cooperative works toward the creation and maintenance of a centralized online finding aid repository and index that will allow for the discovery of New York State’s vast and varied archival holdings through a single portal.

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New York Historic Newspapers
NYSHN_logoThe NYS Historic Newspapers project provides free online access to a wide range of newspapers chosen to reflect New York’s unique history.

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ESLN Academic Institutional Reposiotry

We’ve partnered with Ubiquity Press to bring a new institutional repository platform to our members. Ubiquity provides easy, flexible hosting for institutions looking to house their public, private, and embargoed works at a fraction of the cost of competitors like BePress or Digital Commons. We’ve negotiated an incredibly competitive discount on top of the already low prices Ubiquity offers, and we’re looking for institutions interested in a pilot project.

For more information on this project, contact Ryan Hughes, Digital Services Manager at the Rochester Regional Library Council.

Continuing Education
ESLN offers web-based professional development classes to a statewide audience. Classes are open to members of any of the nine regional library councils on a space-available basis. The classes are one to two hours in length and conveniently scheduled so participants do not need to leave their workplace. Topics are selected based on a survey completed by the continuing education managers from each council, so the workshops reflect the training needs of each region. There is a minimum of one class offered per month by ESLN. Workshops are subsidized by ESLN and participants pay only a nominal fee.

ESLN knows our members value in-person continuing education. Each of the nine councils regularly offers face-to-face classes and workshops. The councils are now offering many of their events to all ESLN members at the local price. Eligible programs will be co-branded as “ESLN” and advertised statewide. We encourage you to take advantage of the wide array of continuing education opportunities provided by the library councils around the state.

To see a full list of Continuing Education events from across the NY 3Rs, check out the event listing and event calendar.

Empire Library Delivery
ELDlogoEmpire Library Delivery (ELD) is a statewide delivery service maintained by ESLN. It supports statewide resource sharing between ConnectNY, IDS Project, and other libraries and affiliated organizations interested in sharing resources with other ELD participants.

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New York Heritage

New York Heritage is a research portal for students, educators, historians, genealogists, and anyone else interested in the Empire State’s history.   This site brings together open access digital collections from libraries, museums and archives from all over the state. It provides a gateway to more than 160 distinct digital collections that reflect New York State’s long history.

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